What initially drew you to becoming a pilot?
As a young girl, I was fascinated with Thunderbirds. I think that’s where the idea of a career in aviation came from, even though the Thunderbird only ever had one female pilot. My family actually comes from a seafaring background, so I guess I’m a bit of an outlier!
What motivates you to do your job every day?
I don’t need motivation. When you get to do what you love everyday, motivation isn’t necessary. I get to live my Thunderbirds dream every day. Flying is my passion.
What do you love most about your job?
I love how every day is never the same. I’ve been at VistaJet for 10 years and I still get to experience places I’ve never been to. At VistaJet, we cover 96% of the globe and have flown to 187 countries. The global scale of this company is still mind-boggling to me. Of course, I have so much fun with the people I work with too.
Do you have a memory that stands out the most to you?
Honestly, I have had so many “pinch me” moments over these 10 years. One memory that stands out to me is my first time ever taking off as a Captain in the left seat. It’s a big responsibility to manage everything while flying, but I just remember thinking “all of that studying, late nights, and time away from family has finally paid off.”
How would you encourage women thinking about pursuing a career in aviation as a pilot?
Whether you’re a male or a female — you get out what you put in. As hard as it can be sometimes, hard work pays off.